Four hours from Madrid to Burgos
On our four hour bus trip from Madrid to Burgos I saw the most beautiful scenery…rows and rows of bushes of yellow flowers! The country roads are lined with them. Hills after hills with beautiful lush vegetation can be seen for miles. Now I cannot forget to include the one-sided solid rock hills that extended for miles. What is so interesting about these hills is that on the rock side there is no vegetation. On the back side of the rock hills, they become hills of lush vegetation.
Why should U. S. citizens care?
During my brief stay in Madrid, the air was so pure and clean.
I was told by our guide, Gary, that Spain uses bio fuel.
Why should U. S. citizens care?
Bio fuel causes less air pollution, therefore cleaner fresher air for us to breath. In the United States Bio energy is not commonly used. The uses of bio fuel in the U.S. over time could aid in fewer people with respiratory problems.
Trees are everywhere in the city of Madrid. They line the parks and the town square.
Why should U. S. citizens care?
The city has an abundance of shade. You can walk in the cool shade of the trees. Believe me in Spain you walk for miles. Sure you can take the subway, but guest what! You have to walk to the subway. Then you have to descend three flights of steep stairs just to get on the subway. Sure there are the escalators. Spaniards do not just stand and enjoy the escalator ride, NO, they walk the escalator. They walk it at almost a running pace. After you have taken the subway you walk some more. Believe me you want to be in the cool shade. The U. S. should stop cutting down so many trees and invest in more trees. Trees are beautiful and produce our much-needed oxygen. With more shade in our cities it could reduce our chance of getting skin cancer.
Interesting facts about Spain
Vehicles are driven on the same side of the road as in the United States. Drivers sit on the left side of the car.
Sidewalks and roads are made of bricks or cobble stone. Often, it is hard to tell the sidewalk from the road.
Pictures by Marsha J. P. Gonzales
The corner traffic walk signal, we were told by are guide, RED MAN if you value your life DO NOT walk. GREEN MAN walk, GREEN FLASHING MAN run for your life. This was quite amusing. Our guide, Gary, can be quite funny at times.