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As I walk down the streets of Torremolinos, the first Costa del Sol resort developed in the early sixties, I can feel the sea breeze and smell the clean sea air, never tasting the salt in the air, that can be tasted at most beaches.
My senses are on fire, I cannot wait to see the beach up close. I pass several colorful shops, boutiques and gift shops, but they cannot entice me today! I am on a mission, on to the beach! I pass an African woman with her small child play next to her. The woman is braiding a tourist hair, I find this unusual. Back home this would take place in a beauty shop not in a small courtyard next to the beach for everyone to see.
I finally arrive! On the boardwalk, I see a man barbequing sea food. There are small tables and chairs with people just enjoying the beach air while sipping drinks and tasting the cuisine of Torremolinos. I see lines of colorful cabana chairs with small umbrellas upon the clean sandy beach.
I step on the wooden walk ways leading to the HOT clean-sandy beach. The beach takes my breath away. This is one of the mo