Off to a leisure stroll down to Museo Nacional del Prado. Stroll did I say stroll? We braved the subway! The Museo housed so many wonderful artists´ works. In the gallery of Francisco Calvo Serraller artist Diego Velazquez, who we studied about in Art Appreciation, oil on canvas (318 X 276 cm) masterpiece ¨Las Meninas¨ (The Family of Philip IV) was even more breathtaking to see in person!

The painting depicts a small child in a elegant gown. In the background the image of the King and Queen, whose physical position would coincide with that of the viewer, can be seen in a mirror displayed on the wall. This oil painting is a great conversational piece.
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The gallery Goya Manuela B. Mena Marques the oil in the execution on Principe Pio Hill, that comes to mind is The Third of May 1808 in Madrid.

This oil art work is one well know to Spaniards. It records the French army’s cruel repression of the Spanish. There is a lantern on the ground in the center of the painting the light is focused on those who are about to be killed. Their faces depict terror. The light illuminates three dead bodies whose blood spills from their lifeless bodies.
There is so much we saw today, and I have very little time to put it in writing. I am leaving in just a few seconds to view a live performance of the passionate and seductive art form of Spain’s flamenco dancing. My wish has come true!
I have to leave, or I will miss the performance.
I have to leave, or I will miss the performance.
1 comment:
Wow, Spain is soundig so wonderful..... oh how i would njoy seeing the Flamenco dancing, that's one of the reasons i been wanting to go to Spain..... Must be amazing viewing there galleries and museums.... Lots of Love.
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